Be on the Look Out for the the New Spring Healthy Ideas Booklet at Martin's. These are in the spinning racks by the entrance doors and usually in the produce area.
It's a great booklet and contains lots of meal ideas and this issue has Gluten Free Information.
It also has Manufactures Coupons inside:
$1.00 off any 24 hr (30 or 45 count) Allegra - Exp 6-20-12
$1.00 off any Cortizone 10 Item - Exp 6-30-12
$1.00 off any Bullfrog Product - Exp 6-30-12
$1.00 off on the Purchase of ANY Barilla Pasta and Barilla's Sauce product. Exp 6-30-12
Barilla Pasta is on sale at Martin's for $1.00 thru 3-31, so with this coupon it means buy a Pasta and Sauce and the Pasta is Free