In the Food Lion ad which runs 12-19 thru 12-24 there is a Unilever Instant Off Promo
Save $5 Instantly wyb $15 worth of ANY Unilever Personal Care Products - there are only a few items priced in the ad itself - we will have to check the store for pricing on included products but here are some of the match ups.
Participating Products:
Axe Deodorant $3.99
$1/1 Axe Bodyspray, Antiperspirant and Deodorant or Deodorant (SS 12/02)
Axe Body Spray $3.99
$1/1 Axe Bodyspray, Antiperspirant and Deodorant or Deodorant (SS 12/02)
Axe Shower Gel $3.99
$2/1 Axe Shower Gel or Detailer (SS 12/02) Limit 2 per trans
Axe Shampoo or Conditioner $4.99
$ 1 / 1 - ANY Axe -
IP Link
Axe Styling or Shower Tool
$2/1 Axe Shower Gel or Detailer (SS 12/02) LIMIT 2 per trans
It does not say if the Holiday Gift Packs are included but this would be a good match:
$3.75/1 Axe Holiday Pack (SS 12/02)
$3.00 off any one (1) Axe holiday pack
Caress Bar (6 bar $5.99)
Caress Body Wash
This would be a Good Match if the Gift Packs are included:
$3.00 off any Dove and Caress Gift Pack
Degree Deodorant
Degree Body Mist
Dove Deodorant
$0.50/1 (Making Life Better Unilever Booklet)
Dove Beauty Bar
Dove Body Wash $5.99
$1/1 -
IP Link
Dove Shampoo or Conditioner
$1.50 / 2 Conditioners -
IP Link
Dove Styling
Dove Body Mist and Lotion
Again: Not sure if Gift packs will be included:
$3.00 off any Dove and Caress Gift Pack
Dove Men + Care Body and Face Bar
$2.00 off Dove Men+Care body wash, bar or tool
IP: $2/1 -
IP on Pillsbury Site
Dove Men + Care Body Wash
$2.00 off Dove Men+Care body wash, bar or tool
$2/1 IP on Pillsbury Site
Dove Men + Care Deodorant
$1/1 -
IP Link
Lever 2000 Bar
Pond's Deep Cleanser
Q- Tips Cotton Swabs
$0.75/1 (Making Life Better Unilever Booklet)
Rave Styling
Simple Skincare
$2.00 off Simple moisturizer
IP: $3/1
IP Link
Simple Facial Wipes 25 ct $4.79
$1.50 off Simple cleansers and moisturizers
Suave Body Wash
$0.50/1 Suave Body Wash Product (SS 12/09)
$0.50/1 (Making Life Better Unilever Booklet)
$1/2 Suave Naturals or Suave Men Body Wash Product (SS 12/09 R)
Suave Deodorant
$0.25/1 Suave Invisible Solid (SS 12/09)
$0.50/1 Suave Twin Pack (SS 12/09)
Suave Shampoo & Conditioner, 12-15 ox Sel Var $.99
Suave Styling
Suave Lotion
$0.50/1 Suave Body Lotion (SS 12/09 R)
Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner
Tresemme Hair Cair
$0.75/1 (Making Life Better Unilever Booklet)
Nexxus Hair Care
St Ives Lotion
St Ives Body Wash
St Ives Face Care
Noxzema products
Vaseline Lotion and Petrolium Jelly
$1.50 / 1 Vaseline Lotion
- IP Link