The $5 ISO deal at Martin's on Meat/chicken/seafood this week
Contains Items that are not in the Ad. This is a photo of the Homestyle
Mac and Cheese that is included and Priced at $2.25.
Now here is the weird part - I did two separate Trans - both including:
5 Homestyle Mac & Cheese X $2.25 =$ 11.25 (should earn a $5 ISO)
5 Kraft Fresh Takes X $2.50 = $12.50 (Should earn a $5 ISO)
Total: $23.75
Lrg Pack of Boneless Chicken Breasts - Using the store cpns in the ad to make it $1.79/lb
B1G1 Sirloin steaks
I used the $1/1 Fresh Take Blinkies
when I checked out the Transactions on the Meat Make NO SENSE
First Receipt:
Bonless Chicken $20.16
Bonus Buy Sav -$9.88
CP Loyalty Disc - $7.25 (I sould think this should have been $5 from the ISO ????)
Pay $3.03
Steak $12.53
Free - Due to B1G1 Sale
Steak: $13.12
CP Loyalty Discount - $5 (this is from the ISO)
Pay $9.12

Boneless Chicken $21.10
Bonus Buy Saving - $10.34
CP Chck CC - $2.35
Pay $8.41
Steak $17.52
Free due to B1G1 Sale
Steak $18.31
Loyalty Disc - $5.79

My thought about this deal was that the $5 ISO meat deal was Colliding with the $5 wyb $20 ISO Deal on the Kraft Mac and Cheese --- BUT I have looked at these receipts until I'm blind and it still does not make sense. I did not go to customer service and ask them to explain it...because I knew there was no way they could (LOL)
ANYONE....ANYONE - See something I'm not seeing ????
Here is a photo of the Mac & Cheese.

Also FYI - when I did a single Transaction with just (5) Shake N Bake
The $5 ISO did not come off at all - so I went to CS and they
gave me the $5 back.
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